Kids' Class
The special meetings for kids (kindergarten through fourth grade) have greatly enhanced and expanded the fruitfulness of our ministry. Many have been led to saving faith in Christ Jesus, and countless other positive spiritual decisions have been made by young people. The children are typically so excited about their experiences in “kids’ class” that they enthusiastically return each night.
Our children’s program offers
- Bible lessons and songs
- Review games
- Prizes
Our purpose in offering these classes is greater than simply babysitting children. It is our sincere desire to instruct the children from the Word of God on a level they can comprehend. We want each child to have an opportunity to know Christ as his Savior. (Matthew 18:1-4, 14; Luke 18:15-17; 2 Timothy 3:15)
When a child responds to a Gospel invitation, we ask him why he has come. We do not simply ask him to “pray to ask Jesus to save him.”
Instead, we encourage him to listen carefully to the messages and to allow God to show him his need for salvation. Our desire is for genuine converts to Christ. If the child is ready, we willingly show him the way to salvation. (John 1:12; 3:36; Rom. 10:9, 10, 13)
The children’s ministry is also beneficial for adults because it allows the parent to give undivided attention to God’s Word. The children get excited about returning, many times encouraging their parents to bring them back.
Having been in this evangelistic ministry for many years, we can truly say that the kids’ meetings have been one of the most important additions we have ever made.